To Help Satisfy Fussy Eaters
- When your little one turns her head away from the spoon, she’s likely letting you know she has had enough. If you force your baby to eat, they may start to associate eating with tension and discomfort and may become even more fussy.
- Just like us, babies will have food preferences as well. It’s good to to try different textures as for a time they may prefer dry over wet food, liquids over solids, etc. Make sure not to resort to junk food in order to get your baby to eat. Find the healthy options they will develop a taste for.
- Similarly, help your little one discover their preferences by allowing them to touch their food. Just like me and you, they will be more inclined to try something new after looking it over first.
- Keep meal time at a reasonable length and make food the focus. Minimize distractions by turning off the TV, removing toys, books, etc to help them focus. Experts suggest a reasonable feeding time would be about 20-30 minutes.
- Keep trying and be patient. It may take several tries before your little one starts enjoying food you are trying to introduce. Continue to revisit rejected food over time as long as there are no allergy concerns.
“There really are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.”
-Anne Lamott