To Help Soothe Teething Babies
- A cool touch to your little one’s gums is an effective way to help soothe. An easy way to do this is by taking a clean wet washcloth, cooling it in the fridge, and giving it to your baby to chew on or gently rubbing it on their gums.
- Using a feeder pacifier is a great way to help soothe sore gums. Simply put chilled fruit into the pacifier for your baby to chew on. This is also a great way to prevent choking and to introduce different kinds of solid foods.
- When it’s play time, you can help your little one relieve their tender gums by giving them a non-gel teething toy or mittens to chew on. The soft bumpy texture of these items help soothe and massage their gums. Have them chilled for even better results!
- Drooling will be a key indicator of teething, so make sure to regularly wipe the drool off your little one’s face keeping it clean and dry to avoid additional irritation.
- Last but not least, give your baby plenty of cuddles! This is often the easiest and most comforting way to help soothe a baby 🙂
Quote of the Week
Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep.
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.